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Med-A-Word/Med Interpret Services at a rate of $25 per hour.

Hovering your cursor over a medical term triggers a pop-up window with the corresponding interpretation. The Med-Term functionality empowers you to comprehend medical terminology within medical chronologies and deposition transcripts. Simply glide the mouse over the specific term, and pop-ups will display detailed definitions for intricate medical terminologies.

To facilitate understanding of intricate medical terminologies, we’ve supplied definitions and reference links within the medical chronology. Linked words are visually distinguished in blue. Hover your cursor over the blue words to access the corresponding definitions. Below, a snapshot is presented for additional reference. Engage with definition pop-ups for medical summaries or deposition terms by simply hovering over the desired term. Please note, a 5% additional charge will be applied to the underlying bill.

For your convenience, we’ve furnished definitions and links for challenging medical terms in the medical chronology, marked with blue coloration. To access the definition, position the cursor over the blue words. As an additional reference aid, a snapshot is presented below.

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Med-A-Word/Med Interpret